
Suzette Glasner, PhD

Chief Scientific Officer

Suzette Glasner, Ph.D., Chief Scientific Officer at Pelago, is an Associate Professor at UCLA, in the Department of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences. Dr. Glasner is a licensed clinical psychologist and scientist whose research focuses on developing and testing digital behavioral treatments for addictions and related psychiatric and medical conditions, and understanding the “key ingredients” of psychotherapy, or how psychotherapy helps people to change their behavior.


Three evidence-based treatment approaches that have been the focus of her research studies: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Motivational Enhancement Therapy (MET), and mindfulness based treatments. Recently she has developed and is testing interventions that deliver these types of treatments using text messaging, social media, and other digital platforms. Dr. Glasner’s award-winning book, The Addiction Recovery Skills Workbook (New Harbinger, 2015), integrates her scientific knowledge about the causes and most effective treatments for addictions, and more than a decade of clinical experience treating individuals and families who are affected by addictions and mental health difficulties.

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