HR Glossary

Substance Abuse Policy

What is a Substance Abuse Policy?

A substance abuse policy is a policy in place in an organization that outlines the expectations for employees with regards to drug and alcohol use. This policy may also outline the consequences for employees who violate the policy. Substance abuse policies are common in organizations that have a safety-sensitive workforce, such as those in the transportation, construction, and healthcare industries.

What sort of companies need a Substance Abuse Policy?

There are a variety of companies that need a Substance Abuse Policy. Companies that have employees who work with heavy machinery, companies that have drivers, and companies with a lot of public contact are a few examples of companies that should have a Substance Abuse Policy. Substance abuse can not only lead to decreased productivity and morale in the workplace, but can also lead to accidents and injuries. In addition, companies that have a Substance Abuse Policy in place are often seen as being responsible and taking employee safety seriously.

What are the main components of a Substance Abuse Policy?

A Substance Abuse Policy is a document that outlines the expectations and consequences for employees who abuse drugs or alcohol. The policy should include a definition of substance abuse, expectations for employee behavior, and consequences for violating the policy. The policy should also describe the company’s treatment and rehabilitation program for employees who abuse drugs or alcohol.

Why do you need a Substance Abuse Policy?

Employers should have a substance abuse policy because it is in the best interest of the company, the employees, and the community. A substance abuse policy can help to protect the company from possible legal action if an employee is involved in an accident or incident while under the influence of drugs or alcohol. It can also help to ensure that employees are able to perform their jobs safely and effectively. A substance abuse policy can also help to create a safe and healthy work environment for employees.

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